
日本の社会保険制度と社会保険手続きを英語で説明 社会保険編



1. 日本の社会保険の概要
2. 健康保険
3. 厚生年金保険

1. 日本の社会保険の概要




1. Information on public social and labor insurance in Japan

Japan has four public social and labor insurance.

Japan has four public social and labor insurance; Workers’ Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment insurance, Health insurance and Pension insurance. All companies including representative office, subsidiary and branch is obligated to enroll in social and labor insurance if they meet conditions. Moreover, foreign workers in Japan are necessary to enroll in social and labor insurance in Japan if they meet conditions regardless of their nationalities.

2. 健康保険

2-1. 健康保険とは


2. Health insurance

2-1. About health insurance

Health insurance is the one when you get injured or ill because of reasons except for work or commuting.

2-2. 健康保険に加入する従業員

従業員の条件 その①
従業員の条件 その②(平成28年10月から法改正)

  • 週の所定労働時間が20時間以上あること
  • 雇用期間が1年以上見込まれること
  • 賃金の月額が8万円以上であること
  • 学生でないこと
  • 常時501人以上の企業(特定適用事業所)に勤めている事


2-2. Employees who enroll in health insurance

Companies with more than five employees are required to enroll in health insurance. Representative offices with an office director can enroll by submitting the application form to the Pension Office.
Full-time workers are required to enroll in health insurance. Part-time workers enroll in health insurance if they work approximately 30 hours per week.
Part-time workers who work less than approximately 30 hours per week, they can enroll in health insurance under conditions below;

-Workers who work 20 hours per week
-Terms of employment is expectedly over 1 year.
-Monthly wages is more than 88,000JPY.
-They are not students.
-Companies with more than 501 employees.

2-3. 健康保険の給付


  • 病気やケガで治療を受けたとき
  • 療養のため会社を休んだとき
  • 出産したとき
  • 死亡したとき

2-3. Benefits of health insurance

-Medical treatment: When you get injured or ill, individual payment is 30%
-Temporary absence from work :When you are absent from work for over 4 days
-Funeral expenses: When you become deceased

2-4. 健康保険の保険料


2-4. Health insurance premiums

Health insurance premiums below is for Tokyo. Health insurance premiums vary by prefecture.
9.9% or 11.47% for over 40 years old (Fiscal year 2019) Insurance premiums have to be paid  by both employer and employee, and their  shares are defined respectively in accordance with the employee’s salary/wages.

2-5. 健康保険料の納め方


2-5. How to pay health insurance premium

Employers deduct insurance premiums of employees from their salary/wages and pay by the end of next month.

2-6. 健康保険の加入手続き


2-6. How to enroll in health insurance

Employers are required to submit application form to the pension office within 5 days after they hire employees.

3. 厚生年金保険

3-1. 厚生年金保険とは


3-1. Employees’ pension insurance

Employees’ pension insurance is the one When necessary for old age, the unexpected risks of disability or death.

3-2. 厚生年金保険に加入する従業員


3-2. Employees who are eligible for Employees’ pension insurance

Conditions are same as health insurance.

3-3. 厚生年金保険の給付

  • 老齢年金
  • 障害年金
  • 遺族年金

3-3. Benefits of Employees’ pension insurance

-When you reach pensionable age (about 65 years old)
-When you have a disability
-When you become deceased

3-4. 厚生年金保険の保険料


3-4. Employees’ pension insurance premiums

18.3% (Fiscal year 2019) Insurance premiums have to be paid  by both employer and employee, and their  shares are defined respectively in accordance with the employee’s salary/wages.

3-5. 厚生年金保険の納め方


3-5. How to pay employees’ pension insurance premiums

Employers deduct insurance premiums of employees from their salary/wages and pay by the end of next month.

3-6. 厚生年金保険の加入手続き


3-6. How to enroll in employees’ pension insurance

Employers are required to submit application form to the pension office within 5 days after they hire employees

3-7. 日本で働く期間が5年未満の予定の外国人従業員は厚生年金の加入免除


3-7. Foreign workers who are expected work in Japan less than 5 years are not obligated to enroll in Japan pension insurance

Foreign workers who are expected work in Japan less than 5 years are not obligated to enroll in Japan pension insurance if their countries have available bilateral  social  security  agreements.

3-8. 社会保障協定に注意


3-8. Bilateral social security  agreements

Employees of countries with available bilateral  social  security  agreements may apply for totalized benefits under the available  bilateral  social  security  agreements.(proportional  Japanese  benefits and/or benefits of agreement country).
Japan has available bilateral social security agreements with 20 countries.


日本年金機構『Enrollment in Social Insurance System(社会保険制度加入のご案内)』.日本年金機構

社会保険手続きを代行します 【英語対応】25,000円+2,000円×人数/月(税別)
